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I remember seeing a post awhile back that had a list of things you could use to make natural dyes, can anyone steer me towards that, Id like to do some experimenting

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Chuck Burrows is also known for his knowledge of natural dyes.. find his name in the member list or in a thread and then browse through his posts as I am sure this topic has come up before, if not in this forum then in another forum on another website. For a sticky on 'Alternative dyes.." try this link http://www.knifenetwork.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=16 and check the first sticky in the list.

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Check out this page: http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/leather/ld.html Some of the period language is a little tough to read, but if there's anything you just don't get, ask me and I'll try to help.

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