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Sew #346 With Cowboy 3200

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Can a Cowboy 3200 be adjusted to sew #346 thread into thin material no thicker than 1/4" as well as it would #277 thread into the same material?

Thanks Dale

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Possibly, as long as your thread comes off the spool without binding, isn't like a coil spring as it unravels, and you have well balanced top and bobbin tensions. The knots (actually interlocked stitches) may be visible from both sides, even if they are placed at dead center. That is because of the combined diameter of two interlocked #346 threads being over 1/16th of an inch. The #26 needle hole is fairly large and makes it harder to hide these big knots. I think you'll have much better success if you limit #346 thread to projects over 5/16 of an inch. I personally don't use #346 in anything under 3/8".

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I tried it on mine a few weeks ago. It sucked for sure. I COULD NOT get it tight enough with full tension, to use 346 top and bottom. I used 207 in my bobbin, and it worked decent. The thread was constantly shedding, and was tough to work with. As a side, I sew top/bottom 277 all the time. It's just a whole different game.

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