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Quation Regarding Use Of Large Bobbin And Shuttle For Adler 30 Or Singer 29

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Is it necessary to get the Large bobbin and shuttle to use the larger threads. I recently picked up I think 225 (I can make sure when I get home) and tried running it in my Adler and kept having problems. I'm got a size 25 needle for it to match the thread. Just keeps tangling up underneath the leather. All other thread and needle combos up to this point have been no problem.

The tangling issue normally is a tension problem but I adjusted it to the max on both the upper tensioner and bobbin but just doesn't seem to want to work.

So I did a little research and it appears that they have a large bobbin and shuttle available. Just wanted to see if anyone else had tried it before I make the big purchase.



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Mira Design Group,

The bobbin in a Consew 225 is not the same size as a bobbin in a large bobbin Singer 29 or large bobbin 30 Class Adler. The Singer and Adler shoepatchers use the same bobbin but the both must be large bobbin or both must be small bobbin machines. You can use up to #138 in the small bobbin patchers but you will not get a lot of thread on the bobbin because they are so small. Shoepatchers generally work well with #92 thread. Hockey equipment managers use #138 on top and #92 in the bobbin. I work with them a lot.


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