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New hobbyist in Vermont

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Hi Everyone!


I just got started leather working in April. I started buying quality leather goods several years ago and it kind of became an obsession. I figured I loved good leather products and I needed a hobby, so why not try making things myself. So far I have made 6 coasters, 3 belts, 2 firefighter radio straps, a briefcase, a Dopp kit, and several coffee sleeves. It's a great hobby and I'm loving it!

A little about me; I'm a full time Emergency Manager, assistant chief of a volunteer fire department, and I have a 2.5 yr old daughter.  I spend a lot of time in high stress environments so leather working has been a great way to unwind from long days. There is something relaxing about hand stitching leather goods. 

I am looking forward to getting more involved in this, enhancing my skills, and maybe even selling some things to others. This forum has been great to learn from.



Edited by Wdfd908

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Welcome to the best site on the internet!  I have to agree with you on the therapeutic aspect of working on leather; but sometimes..... a project will just fight against you. 

Good call on getting quality tools from the start!  A good artisan can use ANY tools, but good tools make learning more pleasant and often yield better results. 

Let us know if you have any questions, and we'll try to get them answered.

Edited by TwinOaks

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Welcome to the forum and amazing hobby.

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