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Repair Leather Flight Jacket

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So... in my infinite wisdom and despite my better judgement I decided that because I have made a few leather projects that turned out exceeding my expectations I could sew my name patch and wings onto my Navy issued leather flight jacket by hand. Lo and behold I misplaced the patch on the left breast and basically ruined the leather patch in the process. I don't have a machine and so doing it by hand just turned out to be more of a fight than it was worth. I can get another leather name patch with my wings but I can't get another flight jacket unless I drop 500$ or so on a new one. My question for you all is how can I repair the holes that my awl and needle made in the sheepskin leather? Have you ever had any luck using the leather repair kits found online? Is it pretty easy to match the color and leather texture? 


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If it is a Neil Cooper G-1 from the '90s, it is made of goatskin, they pretty much use cow on all the contracts after that.  I would call the company and see if they can give you a patch piece that matches your jacket.  They still make this Jacket for the fashion industry, cost is about $300.  Take the jacket down to safety equipment and see if they will sew it on for you, and your wings while they are at it.  A case of beer wouldn't hurt.  It is then a regulation repair.


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