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Leather and wood working in the same area

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So I have my leather working station set up in my unfinished basement.  I have a large granite-topped table for my work area, and my leather stock sits in rolls on a table next to it.   I'm starting to get interested in woodworking, and am about to wire my basement to be able to handle some basic wood shop tools, table saw, router, belt sander, that kind of stuff.  It occurred to me just now that sawdust might be a huge problem to my leather working station.  Am I asking for trouble putting them in the same indoor area?  Would a sawdust filtering / removal system suffice?  Should I just put it in the garage and accept that the cold weather is going to make 3 out 12 months a total bummer to work in there? 

I'd love to hear and success or failure stories in combining these two crafts into one space. 

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Regardless of what you do a good filtering dust collection system is essential ecspecially if the wood working is in the basement. Getting too much dust of various woods can cause your woodworking hobby to come to a halt over time. Lots of people will build a intollerance to various woods which can have bad reactions eventually. 

As far as the leatherwork goes its good to have a clean work area ecspecially when doing your finishing. If you keep it clean and have a good filtration system it probably wont be too bad but separating the areas would be best IMHO. 

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Thanks for the response.  I think with a good filtration system and some plastic sheeting I can keep my leather working space clear of dust.  One of my first projects might be an enclosure for my hides to keep them clean and safe.  :)  Great advice though, I don't want to get sick from wood dust or finishing fumes. 


I only have one circuit run in the garage and it's only 15 amp, whereas the basement is already wired with 2 15 amp circuits and a 20 amp, I just need to put up some framing to run the outlets onto, so it's definitely more economical to put it into the basement.  I'm only going to be working on smaller projects with mostly hand tools, exception being a drill press and maybe a router table. 


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