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Hello all.

First let me introduce myself. I am a amateur leatherworker who resides in Hanover, IN. I took lessons when I as a child, did good work, enough to get an honorable mention in a contest I entered at a young age.

I lost my tools when I got out on my own and a few years ago I landed a deal of over $800 worth of tools for $125 and I jumped on that and started dusting off the old skills.

I work on projects here and there or as the need arises. As of late I have began wearing my kilts full time and have been working on the various items that go with them.

I have in my collection of tools and such , a what seems to be a rare can of Neat Lac and haven't any idea how to use it. I have searched the forum before deciding to join to see if there was an answer to my question but, alas, there wasn't.

So, here I am asking the question. It mentions on the directions to thin the finish with Neat Lac thinner, which I do not have or anything related. Can I use it full strength and what would be the results?

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Neatlac has pretty much gone by the wayside. It is apparently no longer going to be produced. Neatlac thinner hasn't been sold for years, but some tandy stores still have dwindling supplies of neatlac itself, so one may be able to pick up a quart or a spray can or so. I think toluene (sp?) was the thinner/solvent used in neatlac. Unless the neatlac is very thick, there is generallly no need to thin it for use as a finish. The important thing is to not apply it too thick or apply too many coats. Generally a piece of clipped sheepwool is used to apply it. I hope this helps.


(btw, I find kilts incredibly comfortable & look forward to wearing mine at the shows that we do.)

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I haven't popped the top on it yet but it sounds like it might be thinned already. It came from the batch of equipment that had been well used, (had a good # of discontinued stamps) so it might have been thinned already.

I'll eventually get down to the local Tandy and get the in vouge finishes but I have to make due with what I have on hand.

Check out kiltsrock.com. Likely you will find people in the areas you do your shows to talk with. You can also advertise for free there if your looking for advertisement or to expand your customer base.

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