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Singer 16-141 roller edge guide

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Hi folks,

As a new member to the forum, I need to send out a big thanks to the people who post here, members and sponsors alike.  It is an info-packed resource, unique on the web for the breadth of knowledge.  Any used machine I was curious about could be googled and something from this site would come up.  Without the budget to pick up a 441 or 205 style, I recently came across a Singer 16-141 for a price I could afford, and I am pretty excited to get it working.  But I could not find any posts specifically on this walking foot machine.  Most are for the 16-188, which seems a little different in the walking mechanicals.    So I figured I would start a new thread.     

While I know the L bobbins it takes are pretty common, and parts are generally available, one item I would like to add sooner than later is a roller edge guide.   I found the instruction manual and part list, but the roller guide is made up of a dozen individual parts or sold as an assembly.  Is there an aftermarket solution that may work better?  I had heard good things about the flip-up (rather than bed mounted) style, so am open to recommendations.  




Thanks in advance


Edited by Billroy1
Changed instances of guard to guide

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Send us a few pics of the machine so we can see  the head of the machine.  I am not familiar with this particular singer machine.


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Sure, here are some pics





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Thanks for the pics of the machine.  The roller guide in the original parts manual was a complicated one that you could disengage with a lever.  Today, there are some generic ones available that are relatively inexpensive. They all mount to the table in the two holes that you circled.  Part # 6440, #RG1 and #G30 are parts numbers for roller guides.  You would need (2) #284 or #286 thumb screws to secure it to the table.  All of these parts are available  on either Ebay or from our dealers listed above.


Edited by shoepatcher

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Hi Glenn

Thanks a lot, exactly what I was looking for!


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Hello Bill I have a 16-141 Singer as well, love this old machine Pops sewed on it for many years, I’m looking for needles for it , I had found some 16x64 #23 this is what was written on the sleeve, I am looking for a #20 size ,most source I’m talking act as if I’m asking for hens teeth, I’m not familiar enough to know the needle sizing terminology. Do you or any one know a source. 

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