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Hello all leathercrafters,

I purchased a digital book from proleathercarver.com and it has 35 designs and tried one out. The beveling was with a Barry King steep angles beveler#2, craft tool pro P2621 and V2787. Craft tool zinc tools used were P212, J520, C431 in the middle around the seed stamp. Tooled on 8-9 Herman Oak with an oil finish. I would love some feedback on how it turned out. I think I should have done the center different and I struggle with decrotive cuts. 


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I am still learning myself.  But here is my two cents. Your use of the pear shader is a bit out of synch with the veiner on the leaves.  Looks like the pear shader went first and perhaps you should have done it the other way due to the angle.  I would like to see the flower stand out more.  Did the ebook come with instruction, or just which tools to use?

There is a free online course I started (still haven't finished).  It helps make you think about the process and order of things.  Here's the link if you want to check it out.


Keep it up and you'll be a pro in no time :)

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Cool I'll check that out. Thank you and see exactly what you mean. It was just a picture used tools based on what I thought there aren't any instructions for tools. Wish there was

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