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Hello All - Hoping that someone can clear this up for me:

I understand that when stabbing the leather with an awl you twist the awl at a slight angle (45 degrees or so).  

When running a stitch line down the right side of a belt I would stab through at 45 degrees.  When running a stitch line on the left side, should I stab through at -45 degrees to mirror the right?

When I tried this out what I got was an nice stitch (up/down) on the right side but a perfectly strait stitch on the left side.  Either one would have been fine but not mixed up like that!

Advice would be greatly appreciated or if this had been asked before please link me to that thread. 

Much appreciated!


Im not real good at explaining  this but here goes... if you are reversing  the holes you have to reverse the stitch also. Ian Atkinson has a video on neatening up the saddlestitch. Watch it a few times. It's  only about 12 minutes. After you master it, you will see what you need to do to reverse it.

Good luck.

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Thanks Bikermutt - will do!

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My sewing machine sews angled stitch on one side, straight on the other. If I was hand stitching, I think I'd like to do something different - straight stitch on both sides...otherwise it would look machine stitched?


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