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I have decided to Antique Paste my Tooling followed by airbrush/painted detail. I will apply Neatsfoot Oil prior to a resist.
My problem is that I can't find a 'Resist' to buy here in France where I live to apply prior to applying the Fiebings Antique Paste.
I'm ordering the 'Fiebings Acrylic Resolene' for a finish.
Question: Can this be used as an initial resist before applying the Antique paste?

Thanks in advance for any advice help.


You can use the Resolene as a resist as long as you use it full strength.  I would recommend that you use multiple applications of it to get the best resist results.  Just make sure that you allow it to dry completely between applications.  Keep in mind, resists do not work with dyes (of any kind) so make sure that you have thought about a way to protect any resisted areas when get to the spraying step.  I never spray, especially on anything that is to be resisted; all colored elements are hand-painted/dyed and then given an application of my resist (I use the the Clear-Lac leather lacquer as it is the most solid when resisting antiques).  When you do it this way (which is the originally taught way) you do your color elements first (those that are not to be the same as you main color), add your resist, apply your antique paste, and once all of that has had the excess removed and buffed up you allow it to cure for several hours (recommend overnight); now you can apply your final protective finish.

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Thanks so much. Very helpful reply.

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