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Hello all. Where can I find......

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Hello one and all......
I'm brand new and have  a few questions for you all........  Does anyone know where I can buy "wild boar" leather?  I need hides/leather that don't have hair on them.  Some of the information I've gotten so far from some companies sort of implies it's just not that available here in the US.  That REALLY surprises me what with the "infestation" of wild boars in the South.  I would assume it would be readily available to the leather industry unless the hides are all shipped overseas for processing.  What I've been able to glean so far is that there's a "version" of wild boar leather called Peccary which is from a very VERY similar animal who hangs out in South America.  But, in spite of the locale he/she is just as nasty a critter as it's American cousin in the south.  I've also come to realize there are versions of wild boar leather out there that are total fakes.  I'm making that statement out of sheer ignorance (for the most part) only because I've looked at a TON of magnified photos of the leather and the knock off stuff looks VERY different.  The hair follicles in genuine wild boar/peccary leather are in groups of three and in a somewhat straight line vs. the embossed cowhide fake stuff that has more of a random three hole triangle shape.  So, does anyone know where I can buy Peccary or Wild Boar leather here in the US?  Thanks in advance for any assistance, all.  Have a good day.

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You'll probably do better just searching for "Pig Leather"

Some stuff below...hope that helps


Search his store for Wild Boar Hides - Suede


Couple types of Suede as well - Red, Tan and Brown

  https://www.etsy.com/listing/512835088/oxblood-leather-hide-heavy-weight-pig?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=pigskin leather hide&ref=sr_gallery_11

Furries seems to have some actual hides for sale



Edited by barehandcustoms

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Would something like Javelina work? Tandy's carrying it these days. I bought one in brown and black and I think it's beautiful.


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