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Cleaning fabric lining of leather purse

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I have an expensive buffalo leather messenger bag, fabric lining, I've used non-stop as a purse since I got it.  Last night I slipped on mud and fell into a pond.  (Not deep, thank goodness.)  It took a couple of minutes to get out.  The purse was underneath me and the zipper pockets were open.  I poured water and mud out of it even before I got me out of the pond.  We wiped off the surface mud as soon as we got inside.  I'm not too worried about that -- I've got saddle soaps and leather conditioners and all.  Packed the bag full of paper towels and left it in a warm room, out of direct heat currents, overnight.  This morning the paper towel's soaked and it's dirty enough I can tell there's mud inside.  

The fabric for the lining is something the manufacturer gets -- printed with the designer's name.  I need to get it clean without doing damage to the leather.  Any ideas?  I have e-mailed the manufacturer and asked them for help.


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I'd not worry about damaging the leather. It'll be robust enough. Can you turn the bag inside-out?. If so, do that and wash the lining under running water; mildly warm water, no more than comfortable hand warm - not hot, the leather won't like hot. Use a mild fabric or dish washing soap, either liquid or powder to help clean the fabric. Just keep the running water going to keep flushing it.

Once the water is running clear, return the bag to right way, pack with clean kitchen paper towel and place in a mildly warm area where plenty of air can circulate. Change the paper as often as needed to absorb the interior water. When you think the interior is dry;  its not, thats just the beginning of the end. It'll take another week for it to fully dry out. When the paper towels come out nearly dry, put no more in, allow air to circulate into the interior; at this point you should be able to turn the bag inside-out again to speed up the drying of the lining and inside of the leather. Do NOT try rushing the drying out; thats what ruins a recovery. It takes time, patience and care. Only after this drying out period apply the leather conditioner. Applying it too early will lock moisture into the leather and force it to dry out via the lining which will cause that to either go mouldy or rot, or both

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Fred, thank you.  That's exactly what I need to know.  The lining is only stitched at the top of the bag (two pockets, side by side), so I can pull it out inside out and wash it.  I can't turn the whole bag inside out.  I'll do what you said.  Thanks again.

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