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Reverse Pattern Pricking Wheel

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Hello All - Does anyone manufacture reverse pattern pricking wheels that creates diagonal lines? 

As it seems like Blanchard and Doldokki are the only game in town for these types of wheels probably no but just want to confirm.  


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Never seen one, but they may be available.  Quick google returned nothing.  Is there a reason you prefer a pricking wheel over an iron?  I'm sure you know Portmanteau irons are readily available.

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If I am thinking about what you are thinking about than old Tandy ones from the 70s are good and sharp but the new Tandy ones are good too hope it helps

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Thanks for the responses  @Tugadude @Carson . 

I currently work with KSBlade irons but I am starting to run into situations that I believe would be easier using an awl/wheel combination. ie. box stitching around a curve.

I also just want to increase my proficiency at using an awl/wheel in general as I am taking time off making/selling to learn different construction techniques.  

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My take is that the OP wants a "reverse" pricking wheel where the angled tines go the opposite way as compared to the "standard" wheel.  These are helpful on very thick, multi-layer projects where you can use the reverse wheel on the backside piece.  If I am mistaking the intent, sorry.  

I don't think Tandy offers reverse wheels currently.

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