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Tippman Boss

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Yesterday I was watching the Tippmann Boss Demo video and noticed that to change the bobbin tension on the boss required the turning of two screws. One screw to unlock the tension adjuster, the other screw to adjust the tension.

Then I went to my machine and noticed that the bobbin case also has two screws. Must I also loosen one screw before I adjust the bobin tension screw. Weeks ago I was playing around with the bobbin tension screw without paying any notice to that other crew on the bobbin case. i was still able to change the bobbin tension.

Thanks for your help,


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One screw should be to hold the tension plate in position, the other is to set the spacing between the tensioner plate and the bobbin case body thus creating the drag needed on the bobbin thread.

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Hi Ed,

Yes the screw on the bobbin case is a lock and the screw on the tension plate sets the tension. Loosen the lock, adjust the tension, tighten the lock.


Yesterday I was watching the Tippmann Boss Demo video and noticed that to change the bobbin tension on the boss required the turning of two screws. One screw to unlock the tension adjuster, the other screw to adjust the tension.

Then I went to my machine and noticed that the bobbin case also has two screws. Must I also loosen one screw before I adjust the bobin tension screw. Weeks ago I was playing around with the bobbin tension screw without paying any notice to that other crew on the bobbin case. i was still able to change the bobbin tension.

Thanks for your help,


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