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Card Holder

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Hi folks,

my wife asked me for a card holder for all of her shopping/memebership/whatsoever cards. Normally do cardholders all the time and that shouldn't be any issue. However, she insists to have one of these card holders with the plastic inserts in it to have easy access to every single card without having to search for it beneath other cards. But honestly I hate those plastic whatever to call them card things. I understand the issue with the quick access but I will not buy such a plastic insert and do some leather outside of it. In my opinion that's a total waste of leather since these plastics get stretched and break with time and as I said I think they're ugly. So my question here: How do I achieve the same attempt while using leather (or other natural materials). I have access to nice thin .8mm leather but even with that it'll get quite bumpy when doing it for like 10 cards.

Any advice is appreciated.



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Happy wife, happy life. ;) just make it. Go ahead and cut out extras so next year, (instead of saying I told you so) you will have more ready.

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