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A couple of newbie questions.  I want to make dog leashes and I want them to be 6' long.  Given that I want to construct them with a blood knot on the handle end and the clasp end; I am guessing that I will need strips that are roughly 80" long.  I would like to use veg-tan to make them.  So, can anybody tell me where to source strips that long and should I be looking to buy it on a roll (if possible) or buy a hide and if so what hide if any would yield strips that long.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

It would look something like this.


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Hello Airedale1,

The part of the hide you want is the back section which was located along the spine of the animal.  It's the part usually used for quality belts because it's firmer and less prone to stretching than other parts (like the belly.)  If a hide is big enough you could probably get some strips from the back up to 80 inches, but it would have to be the right sized hide.  I recommend talking to a leather supplier that will work with you and explain what you are after.  Some suppliers will sell just back pieces for belt makers and they could select ones that are long enough for your needs.  Springfield Leather (they are a sponsor here) will cut leather to your needs so if they don't carry backs they probably would cut that part from a full side of leather and just sell you what you need.

Good luck!


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