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Lucas Meier

Old west money belt

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Hi everyone, as my next project I want to make a money belt (with some border tooling). The thinnedt veg tan leather my supplier in France has is about 2.2mm (5.5 oz) thick. Is this allright for a money belt or would this be too heavy?

Also how is the fold made? Just wet the leather and fold it or anything else?

Thanks alot in advance. 


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I think the radius on the roll over will make the belt too thick for some belt loops, also, rolling over you could get some cracking along the roll because you'd likely have to hammer it to get it tight enough. If you try it, wet the leather pretty heavily prior to rolling/hammering, it'll help it bend. You could perhaps line it with a lighter weight than the 5.5 oz and leave a pocket for stashing cash?

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Thanks for your reply. Maybe I should add that it would be a cartridge belt for a .45 colt revolver, so it doesn‘t have to go through any loops. Width would be around 2-2.5inches. Sorry about that.

Edit: something like this is the goal: il_794xN.1185862144_4k85.jpg

Edited by Lucas Meier

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