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I'm not sure about the title for my question :unsure:

I would like to make a handbag from scratch using the leather and a pattern that i have, BUT, i lack the lacing...

So, i would like to know what is the width and once of the lace used in TLF kits such as pioneer or the cassi handbag kit?

I am facing two choices:

1- Making my own lace from veg tan

2- Using Tejas Florentine lace natural color wich is 3/16".

Keep in mind that i'm not going into mass production of handbags, but just want to make 2.

So, if someone on this forum could give me a hint regarding the width of lace and the thickness of leather i should use to make my own lace, or if using tejas florentin lace, i will be gratefull!

Because rigth now, i'm pretty lost... :head_hurts_kr:

  • Ambassador


I would go with the Tejas Florentine, seeing as you say your not going into production work, making your own would not be feasible.

I myself use so much that I buy hides just to make lace with. The other day I purchased a Kangaroo hide for 70.00 CDN. and made a bit over 330 ft of 3/16" lace from it. Where if I would have purchased the 1/8" pre-made lace, this would have cost in the neighborhood of $240.00 CDN.

Also, for purse lace, you would have to use about 1 or 2 oz. veg tan leather, most likely use a calf skin for that.

Good Luck


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Merci Beaverslayer! :thumbsup:

I'll be going for 3/16" tejas lace.

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I was looking on Zack white and i was wondering if those laces will fit:



  • Ambassador


The lace shown on that page is for repairing baseball gloves, it is a very heavy hard to work with type of lace.

I would use one of these laces from the same supplier.

Lace #1

Lace #2

Lace #3

These are a much better lace for doing this kind of work, and much more affordable. The Goatskin Lace is a very soft lace that I use a lot of to make my hats with.

Hope this helps.


  • 5 years later...

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