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explain Tandy Hair Blade

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Can someone explain how the Tandy Hair Blade works. I was looking at it today and thought it was a detail cutter, like a small blade but while inspecting it I noticed it has ridges on both sides.




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The hair blade is used to make fine lines in the leather.The tool in question has 2 sides, one fine lines, the other a little more corser.It is called the hair blade,because it can be used to carve hair when figure carving,in animales etc.

I hope this explanation helps some...

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The hair blade is used to make fine lines in the leather.The tool in question has 2 sides, one fine lines, the other a little more corser.It is called the hair blade,because it can be used to carve hair when figure carving,in animales etc.

I hope this explanation helps some...

Thanks so it is dragged across the leather? I get it now

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Basically you hold the tool similar to a pencil and draw the hair on to the animal. You can also get the hair blades that go into a swivel knife. Which one is better would just depend on which felt better and you were most comfortable with.

When putting the hair on, it's important to make it look natural, usually short overlapping strokes work best. Dont just make a straight line from the top of the back to the belly, or from the tip of the nose to the tail. Jan Schoonover explained it really well in a class one time and I probably wont do as well. But he said, generally, hair will lay in a direction that if an animal is standing in the rain, the hair will allow water to shed off it's body. He also suggests studying your pets hair when trying to put hair on a carving.

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