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Not quite sure how to even describe or illustrate my need...so the photo...shows two similarly sized straps....one (on the left) is stiff and the other on the right is...less stiff.  I need to specify and source veg tan leather tempered to give me the "less stiff".  I can't even describe it so I don't know how or where to get it...I'm getting some complaints from a couple of clients that the shoulder straps I'm providing are too stiff and uncomfortable. I would like to get too a much more pliable/less stiff strap that I can double (half as lining) and stitch and still achieve a comfortable shoulder strap.

Appreciate any help...how can I specify what I'm looking (temper/hardness) and where can I get it?  Is there a "shore hardness scale" for leather or other way to specify (soft, medium soft, medium,  hard, etc.)



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What are you ordering now?

2 ways; 

1. order belly leather, than is usually very supple, but it can be stretchy as well

2. tell your supplier that you want supple and not stiff. I have a good working relationship with my leather supplier, Le Prevo, and I can tell them what I want and they sort it out for me

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Appreciate the response...

I usually get HO from Weaver and Springfield...usually I will buy a side or two in the sizes I need...last order I bought 2 wide rolls the length of a side (I think from Springfield)...thinking I didn't want any belly (sound you hear is hand slapping forehead)...then I strip the strap size I need from the backs. Straps I'm making I pretty much need the entire length of the back. I've also bought a bucket load of pre-cut HO straps...most are pretty stiff though they do soften up with a little oil and time...they make marginal shoulder straps for my application...and if I line them they make marginal fence posts...and if I put six of them side by side they would probably make a marginal cattle guard. <grin>

Thanks for the thoughts...and the descriptor...I'll give it a try.

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