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International Internet Leathercrafters' Guild - Ceasing Operation

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The Executive Board met and voted to cease operations of the Guild.
Those who paid dues in 2020 will be refunded.
The assets of the Guild will be liquidated and the proceeds donated to the Stohlman Foundation.
Please email treasurer@iilg.net to request your refund, including a current mailing address. Refunds will be made by check and delivered via postal mail.
Allen Cope

Hi Allen,

I'm sorry to hear this. I've been a member of the IILG for about 20 years, which is where I learned most of my leather working skills. There, and a place called "Trial and Error". :-) Met a lot of great leather crafters VIA the IILG. Even ran into you a time or two. I think it was at a Topeka leather show and then at the Okmulgee round-robin training courses. Good times. Maybe we'll bump into each other at another show.

Fred Probst

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