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I am located in WA, putting together a boot shop and in need of a post bed sewing machine. Doesn't have to be pretty, function is the main goal here. If you are in the PNW and have one sitting in the corner collecting dust...I would be happy to come grab it and put it to use. Shoot me a message if you've got something, thanks!

Edited by Northmount
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Hows it going Connerh04 , my name is Jacob Romero with @SHYNESEW on instagram. i have post bed roller foot machines in stock and will fit your needs for your boot shop.

here is the link for the machine on my website. : https://shynemfg.com/collections/sewing-machines/products/yamata-810-post-bed-roller-foot-industrial-sewing-machine

if you have any further questions please feel free 2 contact me.

Jacob Romero


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