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Projects from Leather Scraps and how to finish the leather.

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Some time ago I was looking into getting some custom boots made from Nicks out in WA, so I signed up for a newsletter but decided to wait till next year to do so. (now now why does someone in texas want boots from  WA? Cause I have weird shaped feet and want nice boots lul)

Black friday rolls around and I get a message from them for boot scraps 8-14 lbs Scrap Leather - Assorted (nicksboots.com)for 50 ish bucks for the Tobacco colored leather. So I got 2 boxes give or take about 20 lbs of leather scraps mostly 5-6 oz most pieces are nearly 1sqft each some smaller and a few pieces that are probably 2sqft+. I can make alot of projects, hell I wanna make a few wallets honestly. Problem is idk what leather it is, and i'd hate to make someone a wallet, them get sweaty and have a tan stained mark in their jeans now. Most of it smells like veg tan, but aside from that I have no clue. So is their a good sealant to prevent it from staining, or do I wax/oil it? This is out of my knowledge, most things i've made up till now have all been natural vegtan of various weights.

Sorry for the dumb questions, figure maybe yall've ran into this situation before, when you don't know what the exact leather is.

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Shoot them an email and ask them. It's their leather scraps and since they make boots with it, they would be the best ones to advise you.
Be sure to show us some of your finished product!


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