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Leather carver

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I make cue cases and quivers and I need a leather carver to do piece work. I would ship the pieces and you would ship them back after finnishing.

My web site is http://www.jimmurnakcuecases.com



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You may have found someone by now, but I'd be happy to send you photos of my carving work. My specialty is non-traditional fantsy/occult themes.



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I may be interested. There are a few questions here that might generate more interest.

What's the general expected turn around time?

Is shipping covered both directions?

What type coloring and finish, if any are you wanting?

Will the carver be signing the work? (personally, I'm pretty proud of my work and would prefer to sign)

Is it just carving, or will there be stamping and stitching/lacing involved?

What is the pay scale for this type work. 10-12 hours of detailed carving on a piece is great practice, but not for cents on the dollar. (no offense intended)

There's more I'm sure, but those six pop into mind first.

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