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This question has probably been answered, but I am too lazy to search very far for it.

I put a lot of miles on my new Will James a couple weeks ago. For the first time in a few years, it was really wet. Thus we rode through some muddy streams. I ended up with some spots on the saddle that I can't seem to remove. I did not put a finish on the saddle, except 100% neatsfoot oil. I thought I oiled it well enough, but maybe not. It's three coats and the first was pretty warm when applied.

I would like to clean it if possible, but saddle soap is not getting them. It's not a trophy saddle and it rides good, so I can live with them if they won't come out. However, if I can do a better job finishing then maybe I can prevent them in the future.





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Call them battle scars or cred. The level of sealer/finish that would have prevented them would probably be undesirable from other standpoints. Once dried, they are most likely set. The native people probably used those clay soils as pigments for coloring things.

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Thanks for confirming my fears. I suppose it's like the first scratch on a new truck. I expect they will probably fade as the saddle darkens.


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