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Singer Bell Skiver Restoration

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There is a Singer bell knife skiving machine on ebay for super cheap. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Singer-Leather-bell-knife-skiver-machine-scarce-runs-restoration-project-/201231303475?&_trksid=p2056016.l4276

its got a part thats broken but I don't know much about the operation or mechanics of these machines. I'm doing everything with a knife right now and I'm looking for a way to save my wrists while i'm young and have them still..


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I know a little about skiving machines since I have one.

If you have money to throw away, I would like to give you my address. LOL

That is a piece of junk if I ever saw one. Must have a half pound of rust on it.

Seriously, save your money and when you have $1500 to spare get a new one.


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