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Back To Singer 211G Stitch Adj!

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Hey gang,

I have saturated the stitch adj wheel for several days now. I still can not get the stitch length to change from 3.5 per in.

I see where the deck button drops into the wheel and stops the hook from spinning. I can rotate hand wheel,

but I do not see whats really supposed to happen underneath.

It is not disengaging the clutch as much, but I can not get it to change.

this image is from Eric and represents mine exactly.

Any ideas




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Ok,turn the machine while pushing on the button,when it goes into the slot(button drops lower) hold the button down turn the handwheel away from you should be shorter.This is what the the + & -- on the handwheel indicates.

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Bob, I was going by manual which states what you are saying but, you say turn it away from myself.

I was turning to myself as per the manual. Actually it just says to turn to desired length.

Is this the big problem I have had. Not turning away from myself?



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Have you tried turning the hand wheel backwards? If yes then it sound like the adjuster cam is stuck. With the button down the collars on each side of the ring with the notch in it should turn when you turn the hand wheel. With the machine at 3 1/2 you will have to turn backwards.

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Bob, pcox

Ya'all saved my but again.

After the soaking it loosened it up and as per your "backward" motion it is now in the 7.5 per in.

HECK yeah. In biz now.

Thx guys

By the way, anyone know the minimum stitch per in?

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zero to 3.5 and anything between

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