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Craftool oval punches

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Does anyone have any spare Craftool oval punches? The small sizes used for punching holes in belts.

I have a #5, but I'm after a #3, #4, #6 and #7 (if such sizes exist!)

I'll pay a fair price for them. I don't really care how old they are.



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Hello Badger

Since you are across the pond, Try Abby (Abbey) saddlery. They carry some oval punches and I Think but not sure that they are made by Dixon. I have several that I have had for years and they are much better than the Craftool. Also check for Osbourne which should be available to you too.



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I bought several sets of Mini and Maxi punches so I can just grab a punch, chuck it into the press and drill a hole. That gives me about 10 spares of each size tube. Heat them with a torch, squeeze the tube with a pliers lightly to an oval shape. Heat it again and quench. Home made oval punches for practically free.

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Thanks guys!


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