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3" Conway?

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Does anyone know where I can find a 3 inch conway buckle? Or something that will do the same type of thing?

I have had a super hard time finding something that will do the job of a conway in 3inches.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Hi Josh,

I don't think anyone makes them as a standard item. You seldom see someone needing a 3 inch wide set of reins or hip drops or even pole tugs for that matter. I have seen 1 1/2 inch as about the biggest. Is it possible to split the 3 inch strap and use two 1 1/2 buckles? I don't know if that was a stupid question as I am not familiar with your application. If you are handy, you could braze two of them together, that would look nifty (did I just say nifty?).


Does anyone know where I can find a 3 inch conway buckle? Or something that will do the same type of thing?

I have had a super hard time finding something that will do the job of a conway in 3inches.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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Art you have a great idea I think. But two bucklers side/side will rub or runover.

How about three 1". The outer two standard length and the third ..say..11/2 " longer. The outsides wont touch each other, the third looks great and wont touch the other two.

Just an idea, I also don't know the application you ask about.

I did a weight lifter belt that way for looks and adjustability

Edited by KAYAK45

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Art you have a great idea I think. But two bucklers side/side will rub or runover.

How about three 1". The outer two standard length and the third ..say..11/2 " longer. The outsides wont touch each other, the third looks great and wont touch the other two.

Just an idea, I also don't know the application you ask about.

I did a weight lifter belt that way for looks and adjustability

They use to make 3" conways for stirup leathers but the had two posts.Try MacPherson in LA

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As long as the holes are the same in each strap, you could stagger them. Or maybe tack weld (or braze) two of the Conways together so they would be one unit.


Art you have a great idea I think. But two bucklers side/side will rub or runover.

How about three 1". The outer two standard length and the third ..say..11/2 " longer. The outsides wont touch each other, the third looks great and wont touch the other two.

Just an idea, I also don't know the application you ask about.

I did a weight lifter belt that way for looks and adjustability

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If you get in a pinch, I have a pair of used 3" Conways. They have 3 posts. One of the outside posts is broke off. It's the only set I have ever seen in my shop, they must be pretty rare. I would sell or trade them for something I need. Good luck-----------------------Bill

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