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when doing a sheridan finish after oiling and antiquing is all that is required to seal the antique just a coat of Neat Lac?

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Hi Rickey,

Yes...maybe,...well possibly...sort of...uh...sure. It seems like everyone out here has their own recipe for finishing certain types of leather work. And they all work pretty darned well. But there's a reason why there are a whole bunch of different finishes out here for sale... I wish I had half the knowledge that some of these guys do when it comes to putting a finish on a pc of leatherwork. If you ask Bo Riddle in our shop what finish he uses for such and such, the answer will be "floor wax". But on something else, it will be "Acrylic resolene". And on something else it will be "acrylic resolene mixed with a few drops of white acrylic paint, a teaspoon of alcohol, and a frog's toenail"! Anyhoo...I think you'll probably do a great job of coming up with a finish that you like. And by the way, to use neat lac properly, it really does need to be thinned, even right out of the can. And by the way, I'm hoping that your livelihood hasn't been drastically affected by the spill????? And thanks for the business too.


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Thanks Kevin, what Im mainly concerned with is keeping the antiquing where it belongs, as you know most of what I do is motorcycle seats and I tell everyone to stash a plastic shower cap on the bike in case they get caught in a downpour to slip it over the seat, but sooner or later theyre bound to catch a few drops, and after spending so much energy trying to convince people to go with a natural finish as opposed to just dying the whole thing black, Id hate to have em come back at me with a bunch of antique runs all over the seat. And thanks for asking about the spill, the spill itself hasnt done as big a number on us as the president has with stopping everyone from making a living. Im sure the intention was good but not to sure alotta thought was given to the results. Im still working but its on the cleanup side of things.

Oh forgot, what do you use to thin it with? and what kinda ratio?

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