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Pearson#6 For Sale

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Hello, I found this forum while looking for information in regard to the Harness makers sewing machine Pearson # 6.

This machine was run last by a hobby saddle maker who to my knowledge used it only to make saddles for his own

horses. It has been sitting idly in a back room covered with a cloth - in mourning I think since he passed a number of years back.

I was able to find out quite a bit from reading back forum articles and appreciate all the great information. Since I am now selling the machine I thought to post some pictures and see if there is any interest here.

In the last 2 jpg there is an sewing attachment that appears and I am uncertain about what exactly it is.

Any help on its identification would be welcome.

There are also many needles 4,5 empty bobbins a partially disassembled "home made" work table etc. that I can email pics of or post here if anyone has more interest!

Thanks Everone








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Might be interested. In CA and sent you a message. Thanks,

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It resembles a bobbin winder but I think there are some parts missing. How much do you want for your #6?

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Interested PM sent

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Seller wants 4k Location near San Francisco.......

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It resembles a bobbin winder but I think there are some parts missing. How much do you want for your #6?

Thanks for the bobbin winder suggestion Geneva. I am sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your question . I was busy learning

not to assume a price point from reading a solitary thread. Even when they are found on this forum!

I am asking 3.5 plus shipping or the buyer is welcome to pick up.

I will consider all reasonable offers.

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Price Drop on The Pearson # 6 to 3.000 obo. Buyer pays shipping from Northern Ca. or picks up.

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Pearson #6 is going on Ebay soon... make your offers soon.

Thanks everyone.


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