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Thinking About Making A Saddel- Looking For Advice

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I have been doing leather working for about seven years. I have primarily made shot gun cases, shell holders, accessory bags and fly-rod cases. So, I have most of the basic leather working tools as well as a cobra 4 sewing machine. I will attach some pictures of a couple of my projects.

What I am trying to decide is do I have the technical abilities and experience to attempt a saddle. My 10 year old daughter who has been interested in horseback riding for several years and is currently taking lessons, told me this morning that for her next birthday or from Santa next Christmas, she wanted her own saddle (as well as a horse to go with it, as I am pretty sure she is not going to get). I know I could just go out and buy one and be done with it - but the sentimental part of me says I might be able to make her one that would be more meaningful to her - something that I hope she would keep and cherish long after I am gone even if she outgrows it and it sits in her room.

The queston I have is how hard is it to make a saddle. This is something that I know absolutely nothing about. I have always looked at these on this site and have been amazed at the workmanship and frankly it is just scared me and I have just stayed away from contemplating this kind of project. So how difficult is it going to be to make a basic saddle or should I rephrase this and say what kind of learning curve am I going to be looking at? I know there will be some necessity to buy additional equipment (I am always a believer "he would die with the most toys wins").

So what I am looking for is an honest opinion whether based on teh type of projects that I have currently done, is it realistic for me to tackle a saddle at this time or am I way over my head and I need to tackle other projects to advance my leather-working skills before trying to tackle a saddle. Please be honest, I have thick skin.

If this is feasible, I would appreciate any references such as recommendations on books, DVDs, equipment, etc.

Thank you.

Bob R.

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My answer is that you absolutely have the skill to make a saddle. Putting a saddle together really is not that complicated..

A good start is Stohlmans 3 books/encyclopedias on saddlemaking. They are basic and pretty easy to follow.. And some knowledge about horses and their anatomy is something you need to have..

Do you have a saddlemaker in your area? The smart saddlemakers knows that it's an art that is slowly leaving us.. And they love to teach someone that can bring the knowledge on..

The real challenge is making a saddle that fits the horse (and rider).. I've learned that it takes time and mistakes to learn this.. I'm learning, and I hope I will never stop learning.

But making saddles is fun, and horses are sweet animals, so don't hesitate!

Make your first saddle! The worst thing that might happen is that you learn something new, and you might have to start over again.. Just rip it off and start over with the same tree!! No big deal..


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The pics of your work looks real good. I'm less than a rookie but i'd say by the look of your work you should have no problem building a saddle. I'm currently working on my first one and probably most saddlemakers would have there laugh of the day if they seen it,but I guess you start some where. Just don't cheap out on your supplies and be willing to spend some $$$ on literature and don't forget your mistakes. Just my two bits worth. Wyndelle Schartner


Hats off to Ray Hunt.

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