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A Clear Plastic Pouch On A Leather Vest To Display Patches?

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Hi, my first post.
I have a simple Wilson leather vest with a lot of travel patches sown on the front.
I was wondering if it would be possible to use a clear plastic square on the top back like the pocket in a wallet for your id to hold patches for display?
My idea would be to take a clear heavy duty plastic square and have it trimmed on the sides and bottom and then sewn on the top back of the vest behind the collar area behind my neck.
I could then slide any patch I want into the clear pouch, such as changing sports teams throughout the year.
Would the plastic breakdown the leather? Is there a preferred type of plastic?
Would the plastic capture moisture and get all clouded or cause the leather to breakdown?
Thanks for any help!

Edited by Ebchamorro

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Most people just sew velcro to their vest and patches. That way they can be changed out and rearranged as often as wanted

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And cast my vote for the velcro, . . . that would be my solution.

Sew the velcro to the leather jacket with upholstery thread from Joann's Fabric, . . . use a short basting stitch, . . . most leather jackets can be done with a simple needle and thimble.

When you get it all done, . . . it will look professional to all but those who know the difference, . . . which is some 1 % of the population.

May God bless,


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Thanks for the quick replies!

A biker friend of mine also mentioned Velcro, so that's 3 votes for Velcro and zero for a plastic pocket.

I got some 2" x 4" black Velcro strips to match the black leather.

I will cut down the strip to 2" x 3" because most patches are about 3".

My question is, should I sew the plastic or cloth part of the Velcro on the vest?

I was assuming the cloth part, what does everyone think?

Thanks again for all of the help!

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The hook part (plastic) is usually stiffer than the loop part (cloth). It seems to me that the patch could benefit from a little extra stiffness, while the vest would probably be better off less stiff / more flexible. Aside from that, I doln't think it really matters as long as you are consistent in whichever way you choose.


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