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WARNING: Grouply dot com

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I have noticed on some of the Yahoo lists that some members are using "grouply" which advertises itself as a way for you to "manage all your groups". Folks, they don't want to help you get organized- they want your account name and password. They want to spam your friends and associates. They want to read your email and sell your demographic information. Maybe they have even more nefarious purposes, I don't know, but DON'T FALL FOR IT! Grouply dot com is not a "friendly service". It is a scam. Do not be suckered. If you have already signed up with them, log into Yahoo and CHANGE your password NOW.

Ugh. Another reason I dislike yahoo. It's such a pain to use that a creepy company like this can come along and convince sensible people to give out their passwords under the guise of trying to help. Grouply is NOT a part of Yahoo. Grouply is using social engineering to make identity theft.

Google them for more info or click here:



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Hi Johanna,

Thanks for the Warning!! I thought it was a scam,,, just wasn't sure... till now! Thanks!! Ed

I have noticed on some of the Yahoo lists that some members are using "grouply" which advertises itself as a way for you to "manage all your groups". Folks, they don't want to help you get organized- they want your account name and password. They want to spam your friends and associates. They want to read your email and sell your demographic information. Maybe they have even more nefarious purposes, I don't know, but DON'T FALL FOR IT! Grouply dot com is not a "friendly service". It is a scam. Do not be suckered. If you have already signed up with them, log into Yahoo and CHANGE your password NOW.

Ugh. Another reason I dislike yahoo. It's such a pain to use that a creepy company like this can come along and convince sensible people to give out their passwords under the guise of trying to help. Grouply is NOT a part of Yahoo. Grouply is using social engineering to make identity theft.

Google them for more info or click here:



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