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Nice work my friend, nice color....the hammer strap is to much in my book, your edges need to be sanded and burnished, way to much trigger shown, could have more wet molding and shaping, your belt slots need to be cleaner and also burnished!!

Ohh and did I say that my second holster did not look half as good as yours,,,,!!

Keep it coming, never get dissapionted of your skill level, you will be making killer holster in NO times!!

Good work and well done for second holster!!



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Nice color and design. You have a good basis here. I would take it apart and really work over the edges and belt slots then dye them for a good finished look. Clean them up first wth an edge beveler, then varying grades of sandpaper. Don't burnish until the edges are really smooth and even.

For your next holster, the stitches should be farther from the edge-I think one thickness of the leather is the right margiin. This for both appearance and strength.

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One other thing, be sure to dye inside your stitch line. It really draws attention to your stitching if you don't.

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Can't really tell from the picture angle, but are the belt holes placed for forward cant or are they perpendicular. Just curious about the construction.

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Thank you everyone for your responses, I'm just getting into leatherworking and found this forum and saw a whole lot of fine pieces of leatherwork. The belt slots angle the gun to have just a slight forward cant

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