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About immiketoo

  • Rank
    Sultan of Chat

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rhodes, Greece
  • Interests
    Learning, teaching and being.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Figure carving

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  1. Thank you! This hooks are plenty heavy for sure! Whatever works, right?
  2. Aww thank you! Thanks Bruce! I sure miss you guys! Say hi to Rundi for me! I hope to come back soon!
  3. Thank you! Feels good man!
  4. Thank you! Thank you. Whatever heavy object I can get my hands on. These are filled with copper blanks I salvaged.
  5. These are bench weights to keep your leather from moving around while you tool it.
  6. After a break of about two years, I’m finally back in the saddle
  7. The trade off is if you open the wallet all the way, you might have wrinkles on the outer piece. It’s a balancing act for sure. But since they’re closed most of the time, it ok
  8. I’ve been using a zapper that my doctor uses for skin tags. Heats up instantly and works like a charm. I can’t find this exact product online, but if you search medical skin tag remover you’ll find them.
  9. Bend the outside to a little more than 90 degrees and glue in the liner while it’s bent. Use a slicker or other smooth object to seat the glue and let dry. Your angle may vary depending on the leather you use so practice with scrap if you can.
  10. Appply, let dry, sand smooth. Repeat until you’re satisfied
  11. You may like Ink Edge by Fenice or Giardini edge paint. However, none of them are wipe in and forget. Edge paint take as much or more work than normal edges, but the results are very nice. One of these is edge paint, the other is traditional dye/wax/burnish
  12. Bruce, sharpening all your tools isn’t an optional skill in leatherwork in my experience! Took me a while to figure that out. I never considered ease of sharpening concerning edgers but now that you’ve said it, I gravitate toward those that are easier to use/maintain.
  13. Contrary to the above posts, I bevel while the leather is moist. Not cased, but moist. You’ll find you get a super smooth bevel provided your tool is sharp and you even get a burnishing effect because the fibers can compress under the pressure of the beveler. Too wet and it will smoosh out of shape. I use Barry King grooved bevelers FYI.
  14. That’s the ticket. I use less water than that, only adding a bit at a time. You can always add but you can’t take away.
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