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I am looking to purchase a last from jonesandvining and they have been most helpful. I am looking to make a pair of oxfords, and they need to know if I need metal on the bottom of the last. For those of you who have already been down this path, do I need this or not? I think the metal is for shoes that need the nails bent by that plate and left in the shoe. I'm thinking I don't need this. Thanks for the the recommendation about jonesandvining as well as the making sure that if I have an 8D that the last may not actually be this.



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The steel plate is for automatic and semi-automatic shoe machines. If you have a steel plate on the bottom of the last, how the devil are you going to nail the insole to the last? The first thing you do after getting the insole wet is to nail it, in about 4 places ti the bottom of the last.


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