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Bill Stockil, aka 2-shews

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Does anyone know where to locate Bill Stockil, aka 2-shews.

I seen his work on our site. I signed on from my sisters computer,

and I was on a page I never saw before.I guess it was the main page,where there is a guitar case.

When I sign on from home, I go straight to the forum.

The site my search took me to was www.billstockil.co.za I think za at the end is South Africa?????

On one of the srarches it said Eric Clapton commished Bill to do some work.

I would love to see what Eric ordered. I made him a guitar strap many years ago.

The guitar case pictured on our site is beautiful.

Any & all help welcomed

Thank you Peter I. aka craftsman827

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Billy has been ill, and is living in Europe with one of his sons. He is originally from what was Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe, and lived in South Africa for many years. I will look and see if I can find a pic of the EC guitar case. He is an extraordinary artist and a dear friend, and one of the people who encouraged us to start this forum. Unfortunately, his health has not been good this past year, and he has not been doing leatherwork. He asked me to take his site down because he could no longer accept new work. Please keep him in your prayers.


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Thank you Johanna for getting back to me.

Billy will be in my prayers..

I hope he gets well.

Your friend in leather,


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If its not for Billy, I would have not talked to so many friends in this leather world!

Here are some pics but am not sure if its for EC.







Edited by Brandon

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totaly trip-en-dic-uler we like it

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There is indeed a Santa Claus, because I heard from Billy & Mary yesterday. They are spending the holiday with his daughter and her family in London, and send their best wishes. Those of you that have asked me about downloading Billy's video "The Technique" that describes image transfer and embossing- I asked! If he says "Yes" I can have it ready an hour later. If anyone wants to send Bill & Mary a message, send me a PM or post here. He will be delighted that so many are thinking of him fondly.


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Thoughts & Prayers for a full recovery.

Bill is such a tremendous source of inspiration to so many of us.


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Billy, Best wishes for the holidays and for your continuing recovery. I (We) miss you and look forwards again to your beautiful work.

PS When you do get back, make sure that you get into this Forum that Johanna started. It is great. Carlb

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