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The Death Of Quality To Lies And Tricks.

I have for many years argued that the general public has been taken for a ride.

I argue that the quality of goods in the USA and world is lacking any and all quality, or effort to make it last and stand the test of time.

Yes, I think that we are be coming a disposable world. You go to( Wal Mart) and buy a phone case it is pretty looking, you spend $20 bucks and it gives at best a few months of service. Then you go again and buy another. Bang another $20 bucks and in the course of 5 years you will spend upwards of $300. And if you were to buy even the most expensive case you could find it would last a good 5 years. Mine are rated for a life time. You see, your sticking it to the man, You. And the cycle goes on and on. Buildings are not built any more to last. The average school is built to last 10 to 15 years and then bang knock it down, throw it away. So you see the demand for Quality is not there.

I am trying to get this point across to my fellow leather workers so we may in turn educate are customers. Its better for all of us it bring's the money back to the people and out of the greedy Big money grabbers hands of the world. I know there is a need for the likes of Wal mart but when it comes to shoes hats and leather goods there not helping, there soaking.

think about it!


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I often agonise over the throwaway society that we have become, but it's not easy to make an effective stand against it.In my shop I have to sell goods that appeal to all pockets, which means I have horrible cheap Chinese-made belts, with a thin leather lining and a plastic front, hanging beside hand-made bridle leather belts that I guarantee for life. Some people just want a cheapie belt for a particular pair of trousers, and although I gently steer them towards the better quality, if their budget won't allow, it's not worth making a big thing of it. I always point out that some of the cheap belts won't last long, and some folk then opt for the better quality. Others will see the price of the hand-made belts, and say that they'll come back after pay-day, and buy something that will last a lifetime.I take a little comfort in remembering John Ruskin's observation:"There is nothing in the world that some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and he who considers price only is that man's lawful prey."

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That quote is right on the money; better known as greed. Selling quality must be done to like minded people, those looking for a price aren't the repeat customers we all need. The throwaway attitude was created by the mass marketers and importers in creating a price point of replacement. Most of us in the custom leather business fight this everyday but we seem to hang on.

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A whole lot of people today don't even know what quality is, so why would they want to pay you for a quality item when they can buy a cheaper one ? They have no concept of anything lasting tomorrow. It was cheap enough in the fist place and still cheaper than your price,sooo they repeat their habits. I make boots and I had people tell me their boots hurt their feet and thought that was how they were suppose to feel.

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I find that most folks do not understand what quality really is. They think quality is a certain name brand or something with a high price.

When you really get down to it a lot of people get tired of thier possessions and are always wanting something new and different. Everyone becomes a slave to the latest fashion. This is how a lot of things are marketed.

Marketers earn a lot of money convincing people why they should buy something. If they wanted to they could sell folks on the concept of quality and longevity but they want you to keep buying things over and over.

Take for example fine furniture. I am a woodworker/leatherworker. I have learned how to make pieces that will last for generations. Really well built furniture can be handed down to your children. When you tell this to some folks they are not impressed since they fully intend to "redecorate" 10 or 20 years down the line and all the old furniture has to go.

When the top celebrities and sports figures start touting how long they have owned something and how well something is made then maybe folks will listen.


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A whole lot of people today don't even know what quality is, so why would they want to pay you for a quality item when they can buy a cheaper one ? They have no concept of anything lasting tomorrow. It was cheap enough in the fist place and still cheaper than your price,sooo they repeat their habits. I make boots and I had people tell me their boots hurt their feet and thought that was how they were suppose to feel.

Soooo...are you saying that the boots you make don't hurt? That's pretty cool. One thing people (especially women) will pay big money for is shoes that don't hurt.

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Good quality oats are expensive. If you don't mind oats that have already been through the horse, well, those can be had much cheaper.. Old adage from my Grandpa.

I train horses, used to be a farrier, and now am relearning a skill from my youth.( carving and working leather.) Retired, more or less. Mostly less.

Quality is something that YOU create. Do whatever you do as well as you can. Every task you look for a way to improve. Every day, every task.

One day, you will find the world coming to you.

So, I recommend,: don't whine about the world not appreciating quality. Just be quality yourself. Be the example. That's the only part of the world you or I can control

It sounds to me like most of the people here operate that way already:yes: .

So, there was today's sermon from St John the Idiot. Worth exactly what it cost ya'.:yes:

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