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A Question For The Ladies (Comments From Men Appreciated Too!)

I was looking forward to today - our once a year review with the Accountant to see how the business has done. I am now upset, annoyed and unsure of what to do. The meeting went ok but when we were leaving and shaking hands our Accountant put his arm around me. As I found this uncomfortable I ducked but was in the doorway so couldnt move sideways. As I straightened up I was being kissed on the head!! I quickly moved away as my Husband, who had seen all this taking place, moved forward to "shake" the Accountants hand. I'm not sure how hard he "shook" it or if he made any other contact but as I turned around our Accountant wasnt looking very happy and nor was my Husband!

We have had this Accountant for about twenty years and have no contact with him other than for business. Right now I dont feel like I can go back to the office - I dont like being slobbered on and dont think I would be comfortable there again. What do you think? Was this acceptable behaviour for a professional?

The good news is that we doubled our turnover - despite being in a recession. I wish I could celebrate, I just dont feel up to it right now.




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Dear Donna, Correct response is to tell the man, Hey, I don't like that. Once said, you can leave the whole experience where it happened in his office door way. While I sure your husband will defend your honor and social preferences you can do some of that yourself. Take it from a man when a lady lets you know, you won't soon forget. Since your husband had to register his anger probably a good idea to get a new accountant. Don't worry how he feels because he hasn't worried about how you might feel. Real Gentlemen are not condescending. Yuman

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Hi Donna,

I have a different "take" on the matter. (It's my trademark about everything) The economy is MUCH worse than is being publicized. My guess is that the accountant is very much aware of this because of all of the financial statements that he sees from your neighbors, friends, etc. I would think the "kiss on the head" could mean that he has found someone who is succeeding where so many others are failing and the action was meant as kindness & hope. Just another opinion. .... PS Congratulations on your success. The "funny" thing about the leather business is that as far back as I know (going back to my grandfather's days), the leather business is economically counter cyclical. The leather business actually gets better in hard times.

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Hi Donna,

I have a different "take" on the matter. (It's my trademark about everything) The economy is MUCH worse than is being publicized. My guess is that the accountant is very much aware of this because of all of the financial statements that he sees from your neighbors, friends, etc. I would think the "kiss on the head" could mean that he has found someone who is succeeding where so many others are failing and the action was meant as kindness & hope. Just another opinion. .... PS Congratulations on your success. The "funny" thing about the leather business is that as far back as I know (going back to my grandfather's days), the leather business is economically counter cyclical. The leather business actually gets better in hard times.

Thankyou Steven and Yuman.

I appreciate your comments. We have moved our Accounting to another firm. I would not have felt comfortable being in a closed office with the last one and my Husband sure wasnt happy with the prospect either! We decided it was time to move on, a new "beginning" with new ideas.

Is it the economy "helping" the Leather business's to gain? Or are people finally realising buying cheap imported rubbish doesnt pay? Probably a bit of both. Long may it continue!!

Best wishes


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A good business can prosper no matter what the economy is doing. Of course selling is easier and more profits are to be had in good times but there is always business. Regarding your accountant, what he did was a breach of business etiquette, move on and don't even think about it.


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