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About FlyingMonk

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
  • Interests
    Drafting, dyeing, conditioning, finishing

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Bespoke small goods
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Hello! For you or anyone else interested, here is how to download: 1. Open the link 2. In the top left, under the title, click "File" 3. Go down to "Download" and hover over it 4. Download as whatever format you want. ".xlsx" will allow you to open and edit the file in either Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel Hope that helps.
  2. Hey, thank you for the suggestions! Already had some of these, and added the others. As far as I can tell, Beiler's just makes horse tack -- do you have a specific website in mind?
  3. Hello everyone, finally made an account here. I've been driven a little crazy by trying to keep track of suppliers and other resources, so I wanted to share a little side project of mine that I've whipped up: Spreadsheet It is a curated list of (on the different tabs) suppliers, tanneries, tool suppliers and makers, other materials, and hardware suppliers and makers. The supplier tab also has a complete matrix of what suppliers sell what kinds of hides, at least to the best of my ability and judgement. It should point you in the right directions. I suspect that this will be most useful to newer workers, but I hope it is useful for someone at any rate. Please feel free to give your suggestions, questions, corrections and comments. Regards, Lawrence
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