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Posts posted by workingman

  1. Working man you did a great job on everthing. I'm sure he will be proud of the belt and bill fold when he opens them.

    I have a question on the belt. Do you use a brush to dye the black around the letters ? I've tried putting a colored rose on a check book cover and then dyeing it back and didn't have much luck.

    Merry Christmas

    Dirtclod, Thanks for the kind words.

    As far as the dyeing process I took some advise from one of the other members here, I dyed everything brown first and then laid the black down with a brush. I gave me a better looking black. The brush is helpfull around the letters. I have a stack of brushes I use for this all different sizes. Hope that helps.


  2. Awesome job!

    Any chance of seeing an edge detail shot? Did you wet mold leather to the underside of the pan?


    Yes I did wet mold the bottom side to the seat pan . It took some time to get it to look right ,I wanted the ribs on the bottom side to show since it's a cool feature on the Biltwell seat pans.

    This is the only pic of the side that I have. The seat was shipped out today so I can't take any more pics.


  3. Well done, I love the design, well executed and great color....most of all a service man is showing some leather in Iraq!!!!

    Would love to know what kind of dye u used...the black is nicly matt!?!

    Again well done, I pull my hat!


    Thanks for the compliment! I use fiebing's oil dye, It did take time to get it to look right thou. black is hard to do i think . I typically put two coats on right away and let it sit for about 24hrs, then take it out in the sun to find what I call blue spots. then I hit the blue spots once and then once more over the whole thing again. That usually gives me a good looking black. Hope that helped


  4. Hi Matt and Welcome! I hope Im that good in 2 years! Ive just started getting in to leatherworking:)

    Thanks for the compliment! I am sure you'll be right along side me in no time. I still have a long way to go to be as good as some of the leather workers out there. All in time thou, right?

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