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Everything posted by dirtyernie

  1. What is Corel Draw, and how do I get it? Thanks
  2. I was just wondering.....what seem to be the most popular gun holsters are made for?? It appears that the Colt 1911 is one of the leaders. ernie
  3. Just called Luke and ordered a Kel Tec .380! Thanks again!!......ernie
  4. Thanks so much. I goggled Ducan and found it. I will give them a call.
  5. Thank you.....but what is a "Ducan's?"
  6. Can anyone tell me where to obtain a blue gun for a Kel Tec .380? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi, I read this with great intrest! I don't quite get the retention idea, but it sounds very sound. Can you send me a photo so I can see what you mean by placing the screw below the trigger guard? I am sure I will see right off that I know what you are talking about. I don't know for sure what a saddle wassher and a T nut is. I'm sorry I just started to make holsters and have been using the thumb break retention system; however your design sounds much more effecient. Thanks, ernie
  8. Daniel-how are you? We've been moving to Boise and I havent even unpacked the Boss yet.

  9. What can one say . . . beauyiful comes to mind. Great job as usual!! Dirty Ernie
  10. Thanks so much for the input... I'm very new here and I have just began to make holsters and saddlebags. I'll attempt to sharpen - I hate to buy a new one whenever it gets dull. Thanks again!
  11. How do ya sharpen an edge beveler.....or do ya just buy a new one?? Thanks, Dirty Ernie
  12. Good morning, Does anyone know anything about the Super Singer JA-2-2? Will it sew medium leather without any problems? Thanks in advance!
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