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Everything posted by donkey

  1. Okay - strange, I was looking at the Singer 201, and the article description said it was known as the "dress-maker." I found this machimachine on ebay. It look comparable maybe? http://cgi.ebay.com/DRESSMAKER-Model-S-300...3A1%7C294%3A200 Also - could admin move this topic? I wanted to put it in the "leather sewing machines" section..... oops!
  2. Thanks for the advice - I'm actually looking at a couple of old Singer 201 (dressmaker?) machines on Ebay - I'm thinking this may suit my purpose. Now does anyone have any book recommendations about learning how to sew??
  3. Hello friendly leatherworkers! I've been trying to get into making dog collars and other such small paraphernalia, and I would really like to be able to use a machine. However, I'm not ready to shell out $1500 on a leather sewing machine (well..... not ready/don't have it I read on a different post that someone was sewing garment leather with a normal sewing machine. Is this an option? I probably won't be sewing more than 2 layers together at a time (maybe 3?). Thanks for any advice!
  4. Wow - thanks for the quick reply Twin. I just read over the other post and it has a lot of useful information. Just to clarify what I said earlier - I didn't mean using "reverse engineering." It's an extremely simple product, I would do my own design based loosely on the other. My concern was maybe more with patents. The product I'm looking at is very specialized, and I was concered that maybe the idea was protected. Anyway, I'm still a looonngg way from getting anything serious going. I suppose if it comes to fruition I'll have to get legal advice - pooh. Here's a link to the products I was thinking about making: http://store.osmun.com/browse.cfm/2,60.html
  5. Hi guys - is it legal just to buy a leather product (or a product that could be made with leather) that I like and take it apart so that I can make my own just like it? - or are some things copyright protected? Also - then can I turn around and sell my reproduction? Thanks!
  6. Hi Naturedog - this is serendipitous that you posted just now! I just checked out your website - looks like some really nice collars! I'm really excited about starting to make dog-collars myself and have been looking all over for the kind of stones you put on yours. Do you make those ornaments yourself? Do you sell them? Thanks and good luck with your new business!
  7. Hi all! I'm so glad to have found this forum! I'm enjoying looking at pictures of everyone's work and checking out all the discussion. I can't tell you how excited I am to get started! I'm a complete beginner, so forgive me any stupid questions! I'm going to start with dog collars and go from there. The inspiration came from a german woman in Hamburg. My problem is that I can't seem to find the kind of bling she uses on her collars and belts. I've looked everywhere and haven't seen anything like it. Am I missing something? Here's a link to her website so you all can see what I'm looking for: http://www.hundehalsband-budimir.de/ click on "Hundehalsband" on the left to see the collars, and "Gürtel" for belts. And since pictures are fun, but I have no work to show you (yet), here's a pic of the future recipient of my work - Thanks in advance for your help!
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