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About pino

  • Birthday 10/28/1949

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  • Location
    Sainte Maxime, France

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  1. Thanks Gordon, I'll try that. Pino
  2. Hi ya'll, I am looking for needles for a Singer 97-10. Thanks in advance> Pino
  3. hey Rick, after tooling I spread some mik oil, once the leather is dry I put the block out all over and let it dry, then Tandy leather gel antique medium brown, wiping out the excess quickly; let it dry then I finish with Fiebing's Tan Kote. Wait for the tan kote to dry thoroughly then buff it. After that I put some more mink oil to soften the leather some more. That's all. One thing, the longer you leave the antique on, the darker it gets. If it gets darker than what you're looking for, before it dries, take a damp sponge and wipe it till you get the desired color. Thanks for watching Pino
  4. Thanks King's X, you're always very encouraging.
  5. Hey everyone it has been a long time since I posted something lately, so I try to catch up. Here is some of my latest projects for friends and family. I hope you enjoy and if you don't, please tell me why. Critics and suggestions are welcome. Keep on tooling Pino
  6. hey Bob, thanks for your reply. Are those references for Singer 97-10? If they are , I'm interested, may I call you and speak about it over the phone? Thanks again Pino
  7. Hey ya'll I have a Singer 97-10 sewing machine and I need to replace the needle. Anybody knows where to order it in the States? thanks for help Pino
  8. Hey King's X, how are you? thanks for your card. Not been very well lately, now OK. Getting ready to take off to the States(NM), you'll be seen me within the next 3 months. Take care Pino
  9. Hey ya'll, tried myself at Sheridan style again and did my best utilizing Bobocat's pattern. Sure I have a long way to go, but I'm not completely disappointed. Comments and critiques welcome. I also show a tool bag I made for my bike and since I didn't want to buy the very expensive(at least en France) Harley logo, I carved it. Thanks for looking and happy new year everyone. Pino
  10. Hey ya'll, trying to improve my sheridan style tooling with the tools I have. Any suggestions and critiques are welcome. Thanks for looking. Pino
  11. Bruce, thanks for the background; I just received the Sheridan Book and it confirms what you're saying. Nice book and stunning pics. Citizekate, I believe that Rome and other old european countries have influenced most of the western world as far as art is concerned and not only, but I also believe that the human minds follow the same path all over the world even when not in contact with each other. I've had the chance to travel almost all over and I've been surprised to come across some ancient graffitis in the Sahara desert as well as in the US or in Asia, dating way before those continents where discovered and the sketches are surprisingly the same. In conclusion I think that the artists have visions even without being influenced by others. Back to Sheridan style, whoever started or influenced it, it's a pleasure for the eyes. Take care Pino
  12. Thanks Bree, that belt reconciled me with basket weave. I had a bad result on an other project, I did follow a BW tutorial for an angle stamping and came out messy. This time I just drew a middle line and stamped, it may not be fancy but at least I have an "harmonious outcome". Thank you for noticing.
  13. Thanks TomSwede, very interesting.
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