Howdy ya'll, I'm an Italian living with my French best half in the french riviera. Since there isn't that much cowboying going on here, we spend a quarter of the year in New Mexico with our best friend, a genuine cow boy and outfitter. He is achieving to turn a dude into a good hand...he's a darn good teacher.
Lately we started playing around with leather for tack and stuff and now we're both hooked to it. In France is kind of tough to get tools and leather if you're only an amateur, so I order all I need through Tandy leather and I'm pretty happy with it.
I'm happy I found this forum just surfing on the net and thanks to ya'll I'm learning a lot from your posts. I've been doing some simple things like tack for my horses, wrist bands etc. then lately I tried myself at something more elaborate like sadlle bags and some tooling. Well, It's a great hobby and I like to learn, so I'll keep up and thanks in advance to you all for sharing your leathercraft knowledge.