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Posts posted by Marrok857

  1. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I am trying to stay away from saltwater stuff, as these are all freshwater fish. (Any other cichlid geeks on here?)I like the idea of a coral reef belt though. Hmm... As far as a hook and line, I have threatened people with serious injury for wanting to bring them near my fish tanks, so will stay away from that as well.

    I will add some rock piles with the bubbles between the fish, but not so much that it takes away from the fish. More pictures to come!

    I have owned cichlids in the past, and have one now.  My firemouth meeki (named em Thor) is the only one I have now, my friend got my Jack dempsey seen as my tank want big enough for em. 

    Did I see a cockatoo (dunno if I spelled it right) cichlid on there? 

  2. Ah that one!!

    Gotta tell you, it is awsome laid out flat like in the pic BUT when I shaped it around my arm to act as a bracer....aww man it's THE ugliest bracer I ever saw.

    NOT gonna show it completed!

    That post is just a tutorial for the colouring so not for showing off that particular piece.


    Ahh. Well either way its an awesome piece, whether it looks good as a bracer or not lol.  Your Mjollnir bracer on the other hand, is an even greater piece of art!  If I could make something half as good as that I think I'd be doing well. I like the smaller one alittle more, unless I was doing more archery, then I'd pick the larger one.



  3. Thanks Rdb, and you are right, Tom should get "The Best Welcoming Comment of the Year" Award lol.  

    You guys gave me one of the most warm welcomes I've gotten from anyone in a forum!

    Tom, the bracer I mentioned was this one-



  4. Thanks Tom!  I've seen alot of your work on here and I absolutely love it.  The skull wristband is possibly the coolest thing Ive seen in my life!  

    My next project will prolly be something like it but with a Mjollnir on it.  I love showin off my norse pride.  Iam way jealous of all your tattoos, makes me want to get more done.

  5. Hey everybody, Iam Jeremy.  I got into doing small leatherworking with my uncle (Artificer161) last year, tho all Ive made is a small wristband (pics coming soon my camera eats batteries).

    I have Norse ancestry (blonde hair blue eyes) and have 2 norse style tattoos (pics below)

    My wolf tattoo, designed by yours truly. The runes say "Wolf" in Elder Futhark. The guy who did it messed up here and there.


    The is my Valknut tattoo, you can actually see a bit of my wristband in this one.


    Iam lookin foward to a fun time here and plenty of new friends.  

    Hail Odin.



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