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About karl

  • Birthday 08/11/1947

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tecumseh, Ne. 68450
  • Interests
    making all sorts of things out of leather, ie.. billfolds, wallets, belts. gunbelts and holsters, figure carving pictures of historic people and places.
    I love making miniature 1/2 size saddles as well as regular size saddles. I love to hunt and am also a licensed gunsmith and dabble at cleaning and lite repairs.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    figure carving and embossing leather

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  1. Hello Karl Love the swivel knife holder! I read in one of your replies that you had made several of the swivel knives you had in the holder. I have for a long time been wanting to make my own but I can't find any plans to use or anyone willing to help with the two parts I need help the most on The yoke and the bearings would you be willing to answer a few questions on making one? Thank ...

  2. thanks King's X, It's good to be back. This darn Rhumatoid Arthritis kinda puts the breaks on when I'm doing my leather work sometimes..but what the heck I love doing it anyway, and thanks for the compliment on the mini saddle. I love making those little critters. Karl
  3. Hi Fellows, It's been a while since I've posted any pictures, but here's my latest one. It is a photocarved feather with a small portion of Custer's Last Fight by, Casilly Adams and an Indian village in the background. Elktracks sent me the pattern he did of an Eagle on a feather and an Indian village so I changed it a little with different pictures but the same format. Karl
  4. Josh, Thanks a lot. I like to do all sorts of leathercraft and have been making leather feathers and embossing leather also for about a year. I started doing leathercraft about 1970 and I love it, but if you want a real challenge try embossing a photo of someone. Karl
  5. Hey Deb, Thanks a lot. I'd like that. I live in Tecumseh, Ne down in the southeast corner about 65 miles south of Omaha and about 30 or 35 miles from the state line. Let me know and I will see what I can work out. Karl
  6. Jim, Thanks a lot for the compliment. That really means a lot comming from you. By the way congratulations on winning the Al Stohlman award. I've been doing leather craft for about 37 or 38 years and winning that award is a dream I'll never see. I am sending you a message and a couple of pictures of an embossed bass I did. Thanks again, Karl
  7. Thanks a lot Deb, I wish I could afford to take those trips and take some of those classes but they're just a little far away from Nebraska. I love your portrait it is super! , and I love that frame. I wish they would have some classes around here I could take. Karl
  8. ]Hi Fellas and Gals, I have been looking at the pictures ethat were done of John Wayne in Jim Linnells class and thought I'd give it a try. Karl
  9. Cheryl, It is for deco. What I have in mind is to make a small fense at a 90 deg angle and put the saddle on one side and the small half size saddlegags I'm working on on the other side and have as hanging lampshade with John Wayne on it or a western scene hanging over it. Karl Mike, you might be right. Now I am looking for a "Small" heard of cattle to go with it. Karl
  10. Kitkat, That looks great. I have made a couple of half size saddles and a full size one but I haven't tried any headstalls yet. For one thing I don't have a sewing machine to do it with and I half to rely on the ole' hands and with this arthritis, after a while, hand sewing gets kinda sore and I half to stop and wait a while and come back to sewing or lacing. Maybe I can talk to my lovely wife and she'll let me ruin,,,I mean use her sewing machine. All jokes aside that is a great job and I wish I could do that. Is that measured to fit a peticular horse or is it adjustable to fit. Karl
  11. Hi Fellas, I've kinda been out of action with this darn Rhumatoid Arthritis, but I finally finished my ' little half size saddle I've been working on for a while. I put a rope roll cantle on it and I am making some rope roll conchos also, but they take a while to make. I did this as a tribute to the Texas Rangers and put texas rangers on the fork and the ranger on the jocky and the state of Texas on the rear jockey, and a basket weave on the skirt. Karl
  12. Jordy, I've clicked a dozen times on that customer spot every day oor every other day for 2 or 3 weeks and all I get is PO'ed and a sore finger. When I first saw it a few weeks ago, I clicked on it and nothing happened so I kept clicking on it repeatedly and finally a web page came up and looked fine, at which time I clicked on one of the deals and tried to open up on the tools and sides of leather, and low and behold, it took me back to the international site to start over, and nothing since. Karl
  13. Hi again, If anyone is having the same problem, I opened up the UK Tandy website and emailed them and asked them if they had any answers or if Tandy in the US is quitting their on line ordering or going out of business or what, maybe they will shed some light on the subject. Karl
  14. Hilly, I scrolled down and highlited UK tandy leather and it opens up beaufifully,,,,if you want to order from England and pay through the nose. Karl
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