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Status Replies posted by highnoonhunter

  1. Been working on making myself a maul today. It weighs in at just over 18 ounces. Should be right at 18 once I shape the stacked leather handle. PERFECT!

  2. Time to clean the shop up for some new projects..... what a mess!

    1. highnoonhunter


      I also build folk instruments, so I know where you're both coming from. That's part of the stuff I'm moving out so my room can be a dedicated leather shop, and not have to work around the other tools.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. My brother lost his battle with cancer last night. Sad today.

    1. highnoonhunter


      Sorry for your loss, sending prayers your way.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. A beautiful day in Virginia! Glad I got a window to look outside while leatherworking!

  5. Good Morning Fellow LeatherNuts

  6. As the forum grows, so do the bills. We certainly appreciate all your generous support! If you can't donate, please call your favorite suppliers and suggest they sponsor our site. Our ads work.

    1. highnoonhunter


      I will try and donate something soon as I receive some payments. I love this site! Also, is there a link on here that lists the sponsors?

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